Steam Cleaning 101

July 6, 2022

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Do you have questions about how to get the most out of your steam cleaner? Read our guide to find out more about them and what they can and cannot do.

Can a Steamer Work on Cloth or Carpet?

A steam cleaner is not a substitute for professional carpet cleaning. These carpet cleaners vacuum the carpets by soaking up the filthy water and are excellent for deep cleaning. Steam cleaners, on the other hand, simply spray the carpet with hot steam. While the steam will actually fix stains and refresh the pile, they don’t remove soil or dirt.

When using a steam cleaner for the first time, try it on a small area first. Not all carpet styles are ideal for cleaning at high temperatures. Vacuum the carpet before steaming it to avoid holding it down or over-wetting one spot.

Can Steam Cleaning Damage My Floor?

While steam cleaners are efficient, they are not ideal for all surfaces and can warp or crack some flooring. It’s best to double-check if a steam cleaner is right for your home before purchasing or using one for the first time. Manufacturers often mention the types of floors that their machines are safe to disinfect, but the details are always unclear and do not apply to the specific type of flooring in your home.

As a general rule, avoid using a steam cleaner on unsealed wooden or parquet floors because the moisture will cause the boards to swell and crack. If you’re not sure if the floor has been fully sealed, spill a tiny amount of water on it and wait to see if the water sinks. You should be able to steam clean the surface if it doesn’t. To be sure, use the lowest setting on the cleaner the first time you use it on a new form of flooring, and always mop up any excess water.



Attempting to remove baked-on fat and food can be difficult and sometimes necessitates the use of harsh chemicals. However, using a steam cleaner is more environmentally friendly and produces no unpleasant odors. However, avoid using the steamer too close to the oven’s parts, as this may cause damage. You should also use your cleaner to spruce up your grill outside


Cleaning the mattress on a regular basis is a good idea. We not only sweat and shed dead skin while sleeping, but the average bed often produces 10,000 dust mites, aggravating allergies. The high temperature of the steam emitted by your cleaner kills dust mites while still avoiding soaking the mattress, allowing it to dry faster. Before using the steam cleaner on your mattress, as on most surfaces, consult the manufacturer and vacuum carefully to remove all loose dust.

There isn’t much that a steam cleaner can’t manage around the house. Here are some items to consider: 

  • Tile Floors
  • Sealed Hardwood Floors 
  • Grout
  • Stove-tops 
  • Windows  
  • Mirrors 
  • Pet Areas
  • BBQ Grills  
  • Sinks 
  • Bathtubs  
  • Shower Floors  
  • Fridges  
  • Freezers  
  • Toilet Bowls

What Type Of Water Should I Use?

Some manufacturers suggest using distilled water instead of regular tap water in the cleaner. This can be inconvenient and costly, but failing to do so could result in the warranty being invalid. Go with a model that has a built-in limescale filter  if you live in an area with very hard water.

How often do I have To Change The Mop Heads?

These are machine washable. So you can just toss them in when they get dirty. Always check the washing instructions before cleaning them. Branded pads are normally available, but generic alternatives can be even less expensive.

Hire A Professional

Of course the easiest way to manage keeping your home looking it’s best is to hire a professional. Whether it is pressure washing, grill cleaning, window washing or just about anything else you need done to keep your home looking great, the team at Green Army is here to help. Our professionals are just a phone call away and happy to give you a free, no-obligation estimate for any service you may need.

If you need help from a professional, our Team here at GreenArmy® is here to help!

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